Recognitions and Holidays

​Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15 - October 15

​Beginning in 1968, Hispanic Heritage Month was originally observed as “Hispanic Heritage Week”, but it was later extended to a month in 1988. Since then, Hispanic Heritage Month has been celebrated nationwide through festivals, art shows, conferences, community gatherings, and much more. The month also celebrates the independence days of several Latin American countries, including Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua on September 15th, Mexico on September 16th, and Chile on September 18th. They also include holidays that recognize Hispanic contributions such as Virgin Islands-Puerto Rico Friendship Day that is celebrated in the U.S. Virgin Islands. 

Hispanic Heritage Month is a celebration of the history and culture of the U.S. Latino and Hispanic communities.   

Some facts about Hispanic Heritage Month are: 

It started as a weeklong event in 1968 and was expanded to a month in 1988 by Ronald Reagan. 

It lasts from September 15 to October 15, coinciding with the independence days of several Latin American countries. 

It celebrates people who are from or have ancestors from countries where Spanish is spoken. 

Hispanic and Latino Americans make up the largest ethnic minority in the U.S., with 18.9% of the population. ​
